TikTok has taken the world by storm and put other entertainment channels to shame. Why is it so great and what are the implications?
Our New Realities—VR, AR, MR, XR
Although VR hasn't actually taken off quite yet, the development of new realities are slowly and steadily building the stage for a new world.
A Newsletter About Newsletters
Newsletters are anything but new, and they're having a resurgence—here's why.
Podcasts Be Poppin'
Podcasts have nestled their way into our hearts and ears, becoming a constant, invisible companion riding shotgun on the journey of our lives. They have also completely defied traditional media wisdom—long-form content vs. short, audio vs. visual, 1:1 vs social, niche vs. mass—yet have still seen massive adoption and growth.
Digital Media Brands Get Physical: Why Content Isn't King Anymore
With the proliferation of content and competition for digital ad revenue, digital media brands are diversifying their revenue streams through immersive experiences while also developing deeper, more tangible connections with their audiences.
Image Credit: Gravillis
Why the Future of TV is Exactly What You Think, And Not At All
What do you see in your head when you hear the word “TV”? The visual that comes to my mind is the big screen in my living room sitting on a cute West Elm console. But for teenagers, nearly half of them see anything but the tube—a phone, laptop or tablet pops into their head. If that’s the case, then what is TV really? And more importantly, what does that mean for the future of TV?
TV—An Obsession or Obligation? The Sacrifices We Make Just to Keep Up
How obsessed are we with TV really? And is our obsession turning from excitement to obligation? Spoiler alert: THE ANSWER IS YES. TV has become both homework, birth control and our favorite thing ever.
Netflix vs. HBO: Do You Prefer Bingeing or Anticipating, and Which Drives More Passion?
The mechanism for launching hit shows is drastically different for the major players; is one better than the other in the long term? One could argue that HBO captures our minds and Netflix captures our hearts. But the most important question still remains—who will win the game of thrones?
How the Streaming-Palooza Transformed Culture from Macro to Micro-Moments
The streaming-palooza is at full tilt with more than 100 services available, cementing the new entertainment landscape as streaming first, cable second. In addition to changing nearly all of our viewing habits, it’s also changed the way we experience culture—making the collective, shared experience a thing of the past, and micro-moments the thing of today.
The Rise of the Digital Detox and the Analog Renaissance
What are you giving up for Lent this year? If you’re thinking about a digital detox, you wouldn’t be the only one. The #1 item given up for Lent for the past 10 years was social media, based on Twitter history. Oh the irony—we know we need to give up what we love so much. Our obsession with technology and social media has been met with an equal but opposite craving for tangible goods, creating an analog renaissance.
How Gaming Changed the World of Sports and Entertainment
Gaming is no longer a pastime for nerds in the basement; it is a force to be reckoned with. With 2 Billion players worldwide and two thirds of the U.S. population aged 13 and older claiming gamer status, it has undoubtedly become mainstream. With its powerful scale, gaming is giving the world of sports and entertainment a run for its money, upping the competition through innovation and deeper levels of accessibility, connectivity and interactivity.
The Influencer-Preneur Trend and Why You Should Care
The growth of influencers turned entrepreneurs is expanding rapidly and it’s not by chance.
No, It's Not Just You. Cheesy Movies are Everywhere and It's Not Why You Think.
How many cheesy holiday movies did you watch this year? Be honest - five? Ten? You can send your gratitude to Netflix, Lifetime and Hallmark because they released 64 original holiday movies combined in 2018, a 120% YOY increase. But the reason for this trend is not why you think.